The Saronic gulf offers many opportunities for day and multi day sea kayaking trips.
Here you will find a list with our favourite sea kayaking routes around Attica, NE Peloponnesian coastlines
and to the islands in between.
Home waters
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Home waters, just a breath away from Athens and yet an entirely different world.
A world of waves, winds and seabirds, a world of beauty and challenge.
It's the Aegean sea at our doorstep.
Year after year of training along this coastlines, we have discovered it's many secrets and set our preferred routes which we have followed many hundred times.
Do not let the pictures intimidate you.
Attica coastlines can get rough but most of the time they're mild and suitable even to beginners to the sport.
As always a reliable forecast is necessary before any attempt to sea kayak Attica coastlines.
Athens coastlines, mostly unaffected by the summer northern winds and prone to winter's southerlies provide us with a variety of sea conditions and landscapes to enjoy throughout the year.
The end of Attica peninsula and continental Europe.
More exposed than Athens coastlines offer us a different, more challenging but equally beautiful sea kayaking experience.
the west coastlines of Makronissos narrow straight and more to the north up until port Raft.
Perfect for downwind runs!
Among the numerous islets that are scattered along Attica's west coast, 4 major ones emerge. Namely and from N to S Ydrousa, Fleves, Arsida and Patroklos.
Sea kayaking around these islets is a very special experience.
As far and fast as we can along a circular or 8 figured route
Those were the days.....
With a perimeter of 16 n.m. and only 2 n.m. away from Attica, Makronissos is our longest sea kayaking day trip or the shortest 2 day trip. The island, as it's name suggests, is long and narrow with a protected west coast and exposed to the east., with several beaches and landing spots all around.
There's hardly any people living on the island but there's plenty of recent history monuments on the west coast while the east coast is more rugged, wild and with no signs of human presence.
As short as it may be, the crossing to Makronissos is very sensitive mainly because of the passenger ferries that sail through regularly and appear suddenly. Do not attempt to cross to of rom Makronissos without knowing their schedule.
Full circ.
Half circ.
Full circ.
Half circ.
Full circ.
half circ.
Full circ.
Full circ.
Half circ.
Half circ.
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